Monday, February 7, 2011

Happy Birthday to Meg!

Whew. I was worried I wouldn't remember how to log into this Blogger. Thankfully my computer remembered for me.

Today Meg turns six years old. She is expecting her teacher to forget if she is really quiet and doesn't make a sound about it. She is expecting her teacher to ask her if her mom and dad gave her cake for breakfast. She is expecting to finish her birthday crown and wear it. She is hoping for some paper thingy with holes in it and strawberries and some other dohickie that I couldn't quite gather. She wants me to bring her a birthday lunch to school. In her mind, the best lunch includes honey mustard - not my homemade kind either.

Meg was our "easiest" baby. She didn't want to be bothered with us half the time and LOVED being in her bed. She loves her baby brother and usually acts just like Ruby in Max and Ruby. She's forever telling him what to do and how to do it. Usually, he likes to play along. She loves her older sister even though they don't usually see eye to eye. And boy can she talk. This weekend she made her grandfather crack up when she told him he had given her a wedgie. It's nonstop from telling me that her stuffed animal is a "superstar and a member of the Ear Society" to deep thoughts and questions all about heaven and what happens there. Her artwork is prolific and she channels Tom Cat in "Tom and Jerry."

We hope she has a happy day and gets all the birthday treats she is hoping for...that swim team coach better bring those chocolate chip cookies she mentioned. Meg hasn't stopped talking about it!

Happy 6th birthday, girl! I love you and am so happy to be your mom.

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