Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Meg (in a grouchy tone with a grouchy face): What are we having for dinner?

Mom: Yummy chicken.

Meg: Does that chicken go with honey mustard or ketchup?


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Chirp chirp

We were going down the stairs to get into the car to go to the aiport to get George. (Is that a run on sentence or what?) The children were all in their pajamas since we rolled out of bed and had to go get dad coming home from Haiti. The birds were all chirping really loudly.

I said, "Do you guys hear the birds chirping this morning?"

Meg said, "Yes, one of them just said, 'Look at that girl going in her pajamas.'"

Where does she get this stuff?

YEAH! George is home safely. His beard is already gone. Thank goodness. There are 500 photos and three hours of video we'll hopefully share soon. He has never taken a video camera with him before.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


This sweet note came home from school on Friday.

She was so proud and so am I! She is striving to help out so much while George is off in Haiti. I know she really wants to do a good job. Sometimes I feel bad asking her to help me all the time but she is such a good helper! Have I also mentioned she's hilarious? She is so funny. I really wish she would get the acting bug or maybe she'll be a writer. Who knows but her humor is so clever.


These "professional" bloggers that I read blow me away. They are amazing to read and certainly inspire me to be a better mother/woman/Christian. What changes they have brought about it the everyday world. AMAZING. Some of my favs are on the right of my blog. Check them out when you have a moment. The latest addition is seriously beyond belief. I am still not completely sure that this is for real and not some person coming up with this stuff in a dark room somewhere. I keep waiting to see the headlines about her, "Fake story fools people out of thousands of dollars" or a Snopes posting. But she is the real deal (or at least that's what my friend says who has met her.) She is 20 years old. No joke. Do you ever encounter that certain someone and think they must have a direct line to heaven? I have met a few people like that in my life and although I haven't met this particular gal, I think she must be one of them also. Wow. All I can say is Uganda, 20 years old, mother to many orphans. Unbelievable. It makes me think I need to do more for others in this life.

On that note, here is a great song that I have been listening to over and over lately. I just love it and it really touches me right now. I hope you enjoy it, too.

Click on 2. "By Your Side" in the music box. You can listen to the track for free.


Last night I went out to see a friend's son who is 11 and sings with such passion. He's such a cutie - got some great Italian family genes. I don't know where he's headed but I am so thankful I had the chance to go out to hear him. He is into contemporary Christian but last night he just rocked the house with some Lenny Kravitz and "Born to be Wild" by Steppenwolf. So cute. There was another singer there who covered John Mayer. Awesome. I wish I had caught his name. This music thing has given this boy a new lease. He was really struggling at school. Then his grandmother discovered his hidden talent and it's been a complete 180 degrees for him. No more bullying at school and a drive that hadn't been seen before. Love it. Did I mention he's also got some strong Italian genes?

We miss George but the weekend went well. Thankfully, our friends and family have been so helpful in offering to carpool, hang out, etc. Yeah friends. I haven't heard directly from George but one woman said her husband called and they arrived safely. He purchased some kind of international satellite phone or something. I'll let you know if I hear more.